(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org
Winds of Change: Lion Project’s 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive

Winds of Change: Lion Project’s 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive

This past Saturday marked a momentous occasion for the Lion Project as we hosted our 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive, a heartwarming event aimed at collecting suitcases for kids in foster care. Despite the challenging weather conditions with strong gusts of wind, our community rallied together to collect more than 60 suitcases! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!

Mother Nature may have thrown us a curveball with blustery winds, but it was awesome to witness the unwavering dedication of our community. We braved the weather to contribute to a cause that truly makes a difference in the lives of children in foster care. The wind, symbolic of the challenges these kids face, became a shared obstacle that only strengthened our resolve to provide them with a sense of stability and dignity. And… we also had a warm car to run to if we needed a break.

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

For many children in foster care, the experience of moving from one place to another can be both daunting and disheartening. The simple act of owning a suitcase can bring about a profound positive change. It not only provides a practical solution for transporting belongings but also symbolizes a commitment to breaking the cycle of uncertainty and instability that these children often face. By gifting them with a suitcase, we are offering a small but significant gesture of hope and normalcy.

To everyone who participated in the Suitcase Drive, whether by donating a suitcase, volunteering time, or spreading the word, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your support has made a tangible impact on the lives of children in foster care, offering them a brighter and more hopeful future. Thanks to your generosity, these children will no longer have to carry their belongings in garbage bags, a small yet powerful step toward restoring their sense of dignity and self-worth.

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

We collected 60+ suitcases

The success of the 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive amidst challenging weather conditions is a testament to the resilience and compassion of our community. Together, we have demonstrated that even the strongest winds cannot extinguish the flame of kindness. As we reflect on this remarkable event, let us carry this momentum forward, continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. The Lion Project’s commitment to fostering positive change remains steadfast, and with your ongoing support, we look forward to creating a brighter future for children in foster care. Thank you, everyone!

Weekend Fun List!

Weekend Fun List!

Ready to ROAR into the weekend with a fresh dose of inspiration? 🚀 We’re here to help you break the routine and try something new and exciting!  Here’s a fun list of things to do on our Weeknd Fun List!

🎨 Get Creative: Unleash your inner artist today! Grab some paint, pencils, or even digital tools and create a masterpiece. Whether it’s a colorful canvas or a digital doodle, let your imagination run wild. 🎨

🎤 Karaoke King/Queen: Take your singing skills to the next level! Host a virtual karaoke party with friends, or just belt out your favorite tunes in the shower. Now this is my FAVORITE activity! 🎶

🍔 Culinary Adventure: Challenge your taste buds! Try cooking a new cuisine you’ve never attempted before. Ethiopian injera, Thai curry, or Mexican street tacos – pick a new flavor destination! Perfect for a Sunday with the family! 🌮🍛

📚 Literary Escape: Dive into a captivating book! Choose a genre you don’t usually explore and embark on a literary adventure. Science fiction, fantasy, or historical fiction – there’s a world of words waiting for you! I, personally, prefer listening to audio books, that way I can dilly dally around at the same time! 📖

🌱 Go Green: Get outdoors and connect with nature. Go for a hike, have a picnic in the park, or simply take a leisurely stroll in your neighborhood. 🌳

📸 Capture Moments: Become a photographer for the day! Find interesting subjects around you and snap some cool photos. Share your favorites with us! 📷

The Lion Project on KDVR’s Good Day Colorado

The Lion Project on KDVR’s Good Day Colorado

Aubrey and Brandi stopped by KDVR’s Good Day Colorado to talk about our Pre Gala party, our gala, and our 2024 partnership!

“The Lion Project was born from a desire to see nonprofits, businesses, communities, and individuals thrive. Every person, business, and community has a story. The Lion Project is making it easier to share those stories. The Lion Project is a media based non-profit that accelerates the growth of other non-profits through video storytelling, marketing, and in-person service projects. Their 10th Annual Lion’s Gala is October 14. They’re having a free pre-gala called the ‘Desert Dreams Pre Gala Soiree’ on September 16 at El Patio! Aubrey Fowler, the Gala Chair and Community Engagement Coordinator, and Brandi McMichael, Marketing and Events Coordinator, stopped by GDC.”

Win a Luxurious Night at Four Seasons Denver: Donate $30 or More to the Lion Project!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of luxury and goodwill? The Lion Project and Four Seasons Denver have partnered to offer you a chance to win an unforgettable night at one of Denver’s most prestigious hotels. By donating $30 or more to the Lion Project, you not only support a great cause but also enter for a chance to win a lavish staycation.

Make your donation here:


From Struggle to Hope: A Service Project for a Grandmother and Her Grandkids Born into Addiction

From Struggle to Hope: A Service Project for a Grandmother and Her Grandkids Born into Addiction

Lion Project Service Project


The Lion Project aims to provide support and assistance to a single grandmother who is caring for her two special needs grandchildren, aged 6 months and 20 months. Both children were born with health issues as a result of addiction, and the service project aims to create a healthy and nurturing environment for them to grow and thrive. The project will focus on refreshing her living space, enhancing organization, creating personal space, and connecting her to essential resources such as nutrition, vitamins, and stress relief.

Project Objectives

  • Organizational Enhancement: The project will focus on improving the organization of the living space to ensure a clean, safe, and clutter-free environment for the grandmother and her grandchildren.
  • Personal Space Creation: The grandmother will be provided with a designated personal space where she can relax and rejuvenate, ensuring her well-being and mental health.
  • Healthy Environment for Children: The living space will be optimized to cater to the specific health needs of the special needs grandchildren, ensuring their comfort, safety, and overall development.
  • Resource Connection: The grandmother will be connected to essential resources for nutrition, vitamins, and stress relief, ensuring she has the necessary support to care for the children effectively.

 Project Activities

  • Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the current living space, identifying areas that require improvement for organization and safety.
  • Redesign and Organize: Redesign the living space to optimize functionality and organization, including child-proofing measures and storage solutions.
  • Personal Space Creation: Allocate and set up a designated personal space for the grandmother, ensuring it promotes relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • Health Support: Collaborate with healthcare professionals to address the specific health needs of the special needs grandchildren and implement necessary adaptations.
  • Resource Connection: Establish partnerships with local organizations and support groups to provide the grandmother with access to nutrition resources, vitamins, and stress relief services.

Project Timeline

  • Week 1-2: Conduct initial home assessment.
  • Week 3-4: Collect household donations, monetary donations, and other items that can make this house a home.
  • Week 5: Service Project takes place
  • Week 7-8: Follow up video


To be determined upon house visit.

Expected Outcomes

  • A well-organized and safe living space for the grandmother and her grandchildren.
  • A designated personal space for the grandmother, promoting her well-being.
  • Improved access to essential resources, including nutrition, vitamins, and stress relief services.
  • Enhanced knowledge and skills for the grandmother in caring for her special needs grandchildren.


The Lion Project aims to make a significant positive impact on the life of Raeleen, a single grandmother and her two special needs grandchildren. By improving their living space, providing resources, and enhancing the grandmother’s well-being, we can contribute to the health and happiness of this family. Your support and funding will be crucial in making this project a reality and creating a better future for these children. Together, we can make a lasting difference in their lives.