(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org
Pouring Generosity: Mile High Spirits and The Lion Project’s ‘Lion’s Meow’ Leaves a Lasting Impact

Pouring Generosity: Mile High Spirits and The Lion Project’s ‘Lion’s Meow’ Leaves a Lasting Impact

February brought a wave of warmth to our hearts, thanks to an extraordinary partnership with Mile High Spirits.

We’re delighted to share the exciting news about “The Lion’s Meow,” a special concoction that not only tickled taste buds but also stirred up a storm of generosity. Throughout the month, Mile High Spirits featured The Lion’s Meow as their charity cocktail, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the results. Drumroll, please! Together, an impressive 99 of these delightful drinks were sold, raising a whopping $495.00 in support of our mission to come alongside the Family and Community Engagement department of Denver Public Schools!

We are deeply grateful to Mile High Spirits for lending their creative spirits to this endeavor, proving that when good hearts come together, incredible things happen. The success of The Lion’s Meow speaks volumes about the wonderful community that surrounds The Lion Project. Here’s to Mile High Spirits for crafting a delightful concoction, and here’s to all of you, our amazing supporters, for sipping with purpose. Your contributions will go a long way in supporting the impactful projects and initiatives of The Lion Project.

Lion Project Happy Hour Wrap Up

Lion Project Happy Hour Wrap Up

What an incredible Lion Project Happy Hour at Mile High Spirits last evening! The atmosphere was electric, the specialty charity cocktail “The Lion’s Meow” was a hit, and the joyous chatter filled the air. Here’s a recap of our memorable time together:

Mile High Spirits provided the perfect backdrop for our happy hour. People sipped on our signature cocktail “The Lion’s Meow” while setting set the stage for a night filled with great conversations, and connection which is one of our favorite things!

The Lion Project community expanded as we welcomed new friends into our Lion Project family. It was heartwarming to see familiar faces from the past, creating a sense of continuity and shared history. The room buzzed with the energy of like-minded individuals coming together for a common purpose, to connect, get involved, and do good.

We were thrilled to be amongst new members of our board during the happy hour and look forward to the fresh perspectives they bring to the Lion Project family.

The Lion Project team

A highlight of the evening was having Amanda from our partner organization FACE (Family and Community Engagement) share the impactful mission of FACE. We love that we get to do 2024 with this amazing department of Denver Public Schools. We took the opportunity to share exciting news about our upcoming events and initiatives. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable as we discussed future projects and ways in which we can continue making a positive impact in our community.

In conclusion, our Lion Project Happy Hour at Mile High Spirits was a success. It showcased the power of our community, the strength of our partnerships, and the commitment we all share towards making a difference. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this fun evening, and we look forward to more in the near future!

Roar on,
Brandi McMichael
Marketing, Communications & Event director

Join the Lion Project in Supporting Munroe Elementary’s Friday Food Box Initiative

Join the Lion Project in Supporting Munroe Elementary’s Friday Food Box Initiative

The Lion Project

Denver Public Schools FACE Program

In the heart of Denver, a community is coming together to make a significant impact on the lives of low-income families. The Lion Project, in collaboration with Denver Public School’s FACE (Family and Community Engagement) program, is reaching out for your support. Our goal is to streamline the Friday food box preparations at Munroe Elementary, where dedicated mothers tirelessly work alongside generous food organizations to provide essential support to those in need.

The Need:
Every Friday, a group of mothers at Munroe Elementary assembles food boxes for low-income families, pouring their hard work and hearts into this noble cause. To enhance their efforts, we have identified specific needs that will significantly improve the efficiency of their operation. Munroe Elementary is in need of 5 handcarts, 2 baker shelves, and produce bags to facilitate the seamless preparation and distribution of these vital food boxes.

How You Can Help:
We are reaching out to the community, asking for Munroe Elementary Needs


your support in fulfilling these essential needs. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of families who rely on these Friday food boxes for sustenance.

We have created an Amazon wish list to make the donation process easy and convenient. Click here!

Wish List

By donating handcarts, baker shelves, or produce bags, you are not only providing practical assistance but also becoming a part of a community-driven initiative that aims to make a positive impact. Your generosity will directly contribute to the smoother operation of Munroe Elementary’s Friday food box preparations, ensuring that more families receive the support they desperately need.

Join the Lion Project, Denver Public School’s FACE program, and the Munroe Elementary community in making a difference. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will help us reach our goal of streamlining the Friday food box preparations and supporting low-income families in our community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of this meaningful endeavor.


🦁 Defining the Spirit of a Lion in The Lion Project 🤝✨

🦁 Defining the Spirit of a Lion in The Lion Project 🤝✨

Your Lion Story

Hey there, Lions! 🌟 Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be part of The Lion Project? To us, a lion embodies so much more than just a majestic creature. It’s a symbol of strength, courage, and above all, unwavering compassion.

🤗 A Lion Steps in the Gap: Just like a lion in the wild, a true Lion in The Lion Project is someone who steps in the gap for those who need it. They’re the ones who stand up when others can’t, who offer a helping hand when it’s needed most, and who show unwavering support to their fellow humans. 🤝💛

🔥 Courage in Kindness: Just as a lion’s roar resonates with power, a Lion in our project roars with the courage to make a difference. They embrace challenges head-on and channel their inner strength to uplift others. It’s a reminder that compassion requires bravery, and together, we can overcome any obstacle. 💪🏼🦁

So, fellow Lions, let’s continue to be the embodiment of these values. Let’s step into the gaps, roar with courage, and create an impact that echoes far beyond ourselves. Share this with a fellow Lion who embodies these qualities and let’s celebrate the spirit of unity and compassion that defines The Lion Project.

Remember, it’s not about the size of the roar; it’s about the heart behind it. Let’s keep roaring for a better world! 🌟🌏❤️

#LionProject #StepInTheGap #RoarForGood #CompassionInAction


Watch my Lion Story

Empowering Minds: Neurofeedback, Counseling, and the Impact of LuxNeuro, Our Title Sponsor of our 10th Annual Gala

Empowering Minds: Neurofeedback, Counseling, and the Impact of LuxNeuro, Our Title Sponsor of our 10th Annual Gala

We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on two remarkable individuals who have not only been instrumental in the success of our 10th Annual Gala but have also become champions of our cause. Join us in celebrating the visionary leaders behind LuxNeuro, our esteemed title sponsor for the gala—Havilande Lodge and Laura Mahony. The dynamic duo at the helm of LuxNeuro, bring a unique blend of expertise, innovation, and compassion to the forefront of their endeavors. Their commitment to making a positive impact aligns seamlessly with the Lion Project’s mission, making them the perfect partners for our milestone event. Explore the inspiring vision fueling LuxNeuro and dive into the Heart of Their Mission!

Can you provide an overview of LuxNeuro and its mission in the field of neuroscience?

Our mission: Unleashing potential via confidential, evidence-based care, melding conscious and subconscious with transformative results. Guided by values of quality, empathy, trust, transparency and perpetual learning, LuxNeuro envisions a future where everyone embraces their capabilities to the fullest.  Our mission in the field of neuroscience is to create both a local and national impact on an individual’s overall well-being. We strive to have the gold standard of mental health care, utilizing continued education for in-depth, holistic care.

What inspired the founding of LuxNeuro, and what are the key goals you aim to achieve?

We all deserve to be freed from our minds, and our past experiences and to show up as our best selves. We are inspired by addressing the root cause, which is the hardware of our bodies – the brain. Our key goals we aim to achieve are finite treatment plans with long-lasting success and change.

What is the story behind the name LuxNeuro? 

LuxNeuro. “Lux” means light in latin. Neuro refers to mental health care, neurofeedback and the brain. We believe that all of us have light and lightness to us and encourage everyone to reach their full potential through bringing all parts – the shadows and the light – to be integrated.

Could you explain the specific services or products that LuxNeuro provides?

We offer both neurofeedback and counseling services. Neurofeedback is a process of learning and training the brain. By mapping the brain’s electrical activity, we obtain a roadmap of how a client’s brain functions, and we use this information to create an individualized and customized treatment plan and protocols. Neurofeedback addresses all areas of your health and well-being, so you can access the answers within you and move from a state of surviving to thriving. Neurofeedback is a highly effective treatment that yields longitudinal and positive results, helping you shift your mindset so you can move from feeling stuck to finally feeling free.

Neurofeedback training, at its core, is the process of learning. During neurofeedback sessions, your brain learns to produce less or more of the brainwaves that we target, in the locations that need more or less power of certain brainwaves. By placing electrodes on the scalp (a non-invasive process), the brainwaves are read and the brain receives feedback through visual, tactile, or auditory feedback. This allows the brain to self-adjust. With repetition, the brain learns to regulate itself, leading to improved symptoms.

With time, your brain creates new, more efficient neural connections that allow the movie to stay in focus better. The result – better focus and concentration in the real world. Whether it’s panic attacks, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, or any other brain-based condition, neurofeedback can offer a solution using this natural, effective approach. Think about it this way – when you first tried to swim or ride a bike, you had to practice it repeatedly to learn how to do it correctly. With practice and repetition, you soon found yourself riding or swimming with ease. That’s an everyday example of how neurofeedback works. The results can last a lifetime.

As with any skill such as swimming, once you learn how, the ability remains present for you to call on when you need it. Neurofeedback training produces the same long-lasting change in your brainwave activity. Even better, since it’s a natural learning activity, there are very limited negative side effects.

We offer neurofeedback in both in-person and remote treatment. Additionally, we have highly qualified licensed counselors that are guided by compassion and care. There is nothing too little or too big that we can work through together. Neurofeedback and counseling services can be completed separately or combined as needed for the individual.

How do you differentiate LuxNeuro from other organizations working in similar domains?

We pride ourselves on being the gold standard of mental health care. We take our passion very seriously. Continued education, patient rapport, trust, and transparency are what makes our clinic relentless in ensuring the utmost quality care with our clients. We aim to have our client’s graduate from care in a finite, timely manner so that they can successfully live their best lives, impacting not only themselves, but those around them. We believe in the ripple effect and creating positive change on both a micro and macro level.

What expertise does LuxNeuro bring to the field of neuroscience, and what qualifications does your team possess?

Our credentials include:

  • A combined decade of experience in the neuroscience field
  • Licensed clinician counselors
  • Board-certified neurofeedback licensure
  • Functional diagnostic nutritionist
  • Certified Holistic nutritionist
  • Certified psychedelic trauma-informed therapy
  • Behavioral health specialist
  • Licensed HeartMath resilience trainer
  • Licensed Neurochange consultant via Joe Dispenza
  • Licensed psychotherapists

Can you highlight any specific projects or research initiatives that showcase LuxNeuro’s capabilities?

LuxNeuro has successfully treated chronic insomnia, elite athletes, peak performance, high anxiety, suicidal, deeply depressed individuals, ADHD, and OCD (and so much more!) with extreme success. LuxNeuro has many projects and potential research projects in the works! Stay tuned to learn more.

In what ways does LuxNeuro leverage cutting-edge technology and innovation in its work?

LuxNeuro only utilizes the highest quality of neurofeedback systems – both in the clinic and remote systems. We ensure that every individual that works with LuxNeuro, receives individualized attention and customized protocols. We do not offer a one-size fits all approach and are continuously committed to continued education and latest research in the field.

Are there any emerging technologies or methodologies that LuxNeuro is particularly excited about or actively exploring?

The field of neuroscience is constantly evolving. We are always looking into the latest and most effective methodologies in the field. This includes but is not limited to  extensive brain-training protocols, psychoeducation and at home neurofeedback training. Home training can be a cost effective and less time-consuming solution compared to in office sessions. Home training allows you to complete training in a much shorter time frame. If clients come once a week for in office sessions, they typically train for 6-12 months on average. With home training, it is possible to complete Neurofeedback training in 8-14 weeks. Thanks to modern technology, LuxNeuro can monitor, manage  and adjust training sessions via the internet. We continue to support and guide clients through their home training experience. The client’s well being is our main concern, and we are available to support each client through the home training process. Home training can be a great solution for some, but for others office training is a better fit. We encourage open dialogue with our clients to think through their options and ask questions to make a decision that best fits their needs.

Could you share examples of industries or clients that LuxNeuro has worked with, and the impact of your services on their projects or initiatives? We understand if you need to keep names out of this and keep it anonymous.

LuxNeuro works with a wide variety of clientele, ranging from ages 8-86 years of age. Our demographic includes but is not limited to: children, peak performers, parents, corporations, veterans, first responders, healthcare professionals, optimization, healthy aging, stress management,  athletes, individuals with TBI and/or concussions, and those with mental health concerns. Results from neurofeedback last a lifetime. We are devoted to changing the trajectory of an individual’s life to allow them to step into their best selves.

How do you measure success or impact in the context of your work?

We measure our success by both clinical data (tracking the individual’s brainwaves from session to session), subjective and objective experience and the use of a qEEG. A qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns. It is sometimes referred to as “brain mapping.”

What are some of the key challenges you face in the field of neuroscience and how does LuxNeuro address them?

The key challenges we face in the field of neuroscience is ensuring that individuals who seek treatment outside of LuxNeuro are receiving quality care. The brain affects every aspect of health and we take our work very seriously. Ensuring quality and ethical care is our main concern. We address this concern through continued education, mentorships, partnerships with neuroscience doctors, and high touch-point supervision.

Are there any untapped opportunities or potential areas of growth that LuxNeuro is exploring?

Absolutely! We are also looking into untapped opportunities and markets. We are currently working towards in-person neurofeedback with corporations, retreats, and online education. Additionally, we are incorporating how other modalities (such as nutrition, trauma, and supplementation) can affect brain health. We believe firmly that when you are changing one part of the working system, fundamentally you are changing the whole.

How do you envision the future of LuxNeuro and its role in shaping neuroscience?

We are beyond ecstatic for what’s to come. We envision the future of LuxNeuro being a national brand with the gold standard of mental health care. We will help aid in shaping neuroscience through cognitive enhancements, mental health care, neuroplasticity, rehabilitation, neurological disorders, healthy aging, and education.

Stay tuned for more! We are currently working with many collaborations and developments.

Need to get in touch with the team? We are all ears. LuxNeuro encourages individuals to contact us for questions, concerns or collaborations. We are here for you! You are not alone. You are seen. There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t. Let’s change the world together.

Check us out at www.luxneuro.com