(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org
Live a Bigger Story | Christian Business Group Talk Recap

Live a Bigger Story | Christian Business Group Talk Recap

At the recent Christian Businesses Professional Luncheon, Zak Ferry, founder and Executive Director of The Lion Project, spoke about the transformative power of storytelling for personal and business growth. Sharing his personal experiences, Zak emphasized how storytelling can shape our lives and influence others.

Zak’s Lion Story

Zak shared a poignant story from his high school days at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego. At 16, dealing with his mother’s attempted suicide, a teacher showed understanding and support, offering hope and a personal story of sobriety. This act of compassion, Zak notes, mirrored the forgiveness and hope Jesus extends in the story of the woman caught in adultery.

Zak Ferry

The Power of Storytelling

Zak explained that storytelling is powerful for two main reasons:

  1. Divine Creation: According to John 1:1-4, Jesus created us and used stories to convey profound truths.
  2. Scientific Insights: Neuroscience reveals that storytelling engages multiple brain regions, enhancing memory and emotional connection. Key brain regions and chemicals involved in storytelling include:
    • Hippocampus: Encodes long-term memory.
    • Amygdala: Processes emotions and enhances memory.
    • Prefrontal Cortex: Organizes narratives and maintains attention.
    • Visual Cortex: Creates vivid mental images.
    • Temporal Lobes: Comprehends language and auditory information.
    • Parietal Lobes: Integrates sensory information for detailed memory.
    • Default Mode Network: Reflects on narratives and relates them to personal experiences.
    • Chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, cortisol, and serotonin play roles in enhancing memory and emotional connection during storytelling.

Biblical Examples and Business Application

Zak highlighted biblical figures like David, Moses, Gideon, Joseph, Ruth, and Peter, who overcame limiting stories with God’s help. He encouraged business leaders to transform their own limiting stories, leveraging storytelling for personal and professional growth. Stories make businesses 22 times more memorable, fostering a strong brand identity and customer loyalty.

Embracing a New Story in Christ

Christians are new creations with a new story. Zak urged the audience to explore “In Christ” phrases in the New Testament, transforming their narratives to align with God’s bigger story. He offered a simple storytelling structure for businesses: Introduction, Problem, Journey, and Outcome, emphasizing that people care about seeing themselves in your story.

Zak concluded with a heartwarming end to his Lion story. Five years after high school, he presented his mother with a sobriety token, with his supportive teacher leading an AA group. This moment highlighted the interconnectedness of our stories and God’s purpose for them. Zak encouraged everyone to live a bigger story in Christ, becoming a Lion in someone else’s story.

Paint Denver: The Vital Role of Business Partners in Building Dreams

Paint Denver: The Vital Role of Business Partners in Building Dreams

Rob Peterson Paint Denver Photo by Bahar SamaniThank you Paint Denver!

At The Lion Project, one of our missions is to transform lives and communities by building and creating spaces where dreams can come true. This ambitious vision is not something we can achieve alone. It requires the support and collaboration of dedicated business partners who share our passion and commitment. One such invaluable partner is Paint Denver, led by Rob Peterson, whose contributions over the years have been nothing short of transformative.

Paint Denver recently played a crucial role in helping us transform a room at Gust Elementary into a vibrant market where families can access food, clothing, and basic necessities. Together we worked on tturning an ordinary space into a welcoming and functional environment. This market now serves as a vital resource for the community, offering support and hope to families in need. The dedication and craftsmanship of Paint Denver have been instrumental in bringing this project to life, ensuring that it truly meets the needs of those it serves.

Building Together: The Power of Partnership

The work we do at The Lion Project is complex and multifaceted, often involving extensive construction and remodeling projects that demand expertise, resources, and a dedicated team. This is where business partners like Paint Denver come into play. With their exceptional skills in painting, they have consistently helped us turn our visions into reality.

Paint Denver’s commitment goes beyond mere business transactions. Rob Peterson and his team have embraced our mission wholeheartedly, becoming an integral part of our journey. Their expertise ensures that every project is executed with precision and excellence, creating beautiful, functional spaces that inspire and uplift.

The Impact of Paint Denver’s Contributions

Over the years, Paint Denver has been a cornerstone in numerous projects. Their work has ranged from painting and finishing touches to major remodeling efforts, each time bringing a high level of craftsmanship and dedication. The impact of their contributions can be seen in the transformed spaces that now serve as beacons of hope and opportunity for individuals and communities.

One of the most significant aspects of our collaboration with Paint Denver is the shared belief in the power of community. Rob Peterson’s team has often gone above and beyond, contributing not just their skills but also their time and resources to support our cause. This kind of partnership is invaluable, as it amplifies our ability to make a positive difference.

Rob Peterson Paint Denver / Photo by Bahar Samani

Rob Peterson Paint Denver / Photo by Bahar Samani

A Heartfelt Thank You

We couldn’t achieve what we do without the unwavering support of our business partners. Paint Denver’s role in our success is a testament to the importance of collaboration and the impact it can have. We are deeply grateful for their continued partnership and their dedication to helping us create spaces where dreams can flourish.

As we look to the future, we are excited to continue working alongside Paint Denver and other business partners who share our vision. Together, we will keep building, remodeling, and creating places that transform lives and communities.

To Rob Peterson and the entire Paint Denver team: thank you for being an essential part of The Lion Project. Your contributions have made dreams come true, and we look forward to many more years of partnership and success.

For more information about Paint Denver and their incredible work, please visit their website here.

Join the Lion Project in Supporting Munroe Elementary’s Friday Food Box Initiative

Join the Lion Project in Supporting Munroe Elementary’s Friday Food Box Initiative

The Lion Project

Denver Public Schools FACE Program

In the heart of Denver, a community is coming together to make a significant impact on the lives of low-income families. The Lion Project, in collaboration with Denver Public School’s FACE (Family and Community Engagement) program, is reaching out for your support. Our goal is to streamline the Friday food box preparations at Munroe Elementary, where dedicated mothers tirelessly work alongside generous food organizations to provide essential support to those in need.

The Need:
Every Friday, a group of mothers at Munroe Elementary assembles food boxes for low-income families, pouring their hard work and hearts into this noble cause. To enhance their efforts, we have identified specific needs that will significantly improve the efficiency of their operation. Munroe Elementary is in need of 5 handcarts, 2 baker shelves, and produce bags to facilitate the seamless preparation and distribution of these vital food boxes.

How You Can Help:
We are reaching out to the community, asking for Munroe Elementary Needs


your support in fulfilling these essential needs. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of families who rely on these Friday food boxes for sustenance.

We have created an Amazon wish list to make the donation process easy and convenient. Click here!

Wish List

By donating handcarts, baker shelves, or produce bags, you are not only providing practical assistance but also becoming a part of a community-driven initiative that aims to make a positive impact. Your generosity will directly contribute to the smoother operation of Munroe Elementary’s Friday food box preparations, ensuring that more families receive the support they desperately need.

Join the Lion Project, Denver Public School’s FACE program, and the Munroe Elementary community in making a difference. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will help us reach our goal of streamlining the Friday food box preparations and supporting low-income families in our community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of this meaningful endeavor.


Winds of Change: Lion Project’s 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive

Winds of Change: Lion Project’s 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive

This past Saturday marked a momentous occasion for the Lion Project as we hosted our 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive, a heartwarming event aimed at collecting suitcases for kids in foster care. Despite the challenging weather conditions with strong gusts of wind, our community rallied together to collect more than 60 suitcases! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!

Mother Nature may have thrown us a curveball with blustery winds, but it was awesome to witness the unwavering dedication of our community. We braved the weather to contribute to a cause that truly makes a difference in the lives of children in foster care. The wind, symbolic of the challenges these kids face, became a shared obstacle that only strengthened our resolve to provide them with a sense of stability and dignity. And… we also had a warm car to run to if we needed a break.

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

For many children in foster care, the experience of moving from one place to another can be both daunting and disheartening. The simple act of owning a suitcase can bring about a profound positive change. It not only provides a practical solution for transporting belongings but also symbolizes a commitment to breaking the cycle of uncertainty and instability that these children often face. By gifting them with a suitcase, we are offering a small but significant gesture of hope and normalcy.

To everyone who participated in the Suitcase Drive, whether by donating a suitcase, volunteering time, or spreading the word, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your support has made a tangible impact on the lives of children in foster care, offering them a brighter and more hopeful future. Thanks to your generosity, these children will no longer have to carry their belongings in garbage bags, a small yet powerful step toward restoring their sense of dignity and self-worth.

The Lion Project Suitcase Drive

We collected 60+ suitcases

The success of the 3rd Annual Suitcase Drive amidst challenging weather conditions is a testament to the resilience and compassion of our community. Together, we have demonstrated that even the strongest winds cannot extinguish the flame of kindness. As we reflect on this remarkable event, let us carry this momentum forward, continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. The Lion Project’s commitment to fostering positive change remains steadfast, and with your ongoing support, we look forward to creating a brighter future for children in foster care. Thank you, everyone!

Join Us in the Fight Against Childhood Food Insecurity

Join Us in the Fight Against Childhood Food Insecurity

Childhood food insecurity is an urgent and heartbreaking issue that affects countless young lives. Help Choose Our 2024 Non-Profit Partner!

In our quest to make a lasting impact, this year marks our final chapter of serving the incredible children in foster care. As we eagerly set our sights on the future, we are determined to combat food insecurity. That’s where you come in! We kindly seek your invaluable assistance in helping us discover our non-profit partner for the year 2024. Together, we can make a difference that resonates far and wide.

At The Lion Project, we firmly believe that every child deserves access to nutritious meals and the opportunity for a brighter future. To further our mission and expand our impact, we are calling upon our dedicated community to help us select the ideal non-profit partner for 2024. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of children and work towards a world where no child goes to bed hungry.

The Need for Collaboration:
Addressing childhood food insecurity requires collaborative efforts between organizations, communities, and passionate individuals. By partnering with a non-profit that specializes in combating this issue, we can pool our resources, expertise, and dedication to create sustainable and impactful solutions. We recognize that there are incredible organizations already making significant strides in this field, and we want to ensure that we find the perfect match to maximize our collective impact.

Your Recommendations Matter:
We value your insights and recommendations. If you know of an outstanding non-profit organization dedicated to fighting food insecurity among children, we invite you to share your recommendations with us. Whether it’s an organization you’ve personally worked with or one that has touched your heart through their remarkable efforts, we want to hear from you. Your input can play a pivotal role in shaping the path we take towards building a healthier, more equitable future for the youngest members of our society.

Non-profits are welcome to fill out our application to partner with us by clicking here. 

Lion Project food insecurity

How to Get Involved:
To participate in the selection process, simply reach out to us through the form below. We encourage you to provide details about the non-profit organization you recommend and share any personal experiences or reasons why you believe they would be an excellent partner for us in addressing childhood food insecurity. Your contributions will help us make an informed decision that reflects the needs of our community and maximizes our collective impact.

Together, Let’s Make a Difference:
At The Lion Project, we firmly believe that positive change is possible when we come together with a shared purpose. By selecting the right non-profit partner for 2024, we aim to amplify our efforts, expand our reach, and create transformative solutions for childhood food insecurity. Join us in this crucial journey as we work towards a world where no child goes to bed hungry.

Childhood food insecurity is a pressing issue that demands our attention and action. By partnering with the right non-profit organization, we can bring hope, nutrition, and a brighter future to countless children facing hunger. We invite you to share your recommendations and join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of young ones. Together, let’s create a world where every child has access to nutritious meals and the opportunity to thrive.

About the program

Our mission is to accelerate nonprofit growth by offering in-kind service grants that seek to fill a gap for some of the most difficult budget items to fund. We do this for Nonprofit Partners in three ways:

  • Digital marketing support including Google Grants
  • Storytelling through professional videos
  • Hands-on service projects including supply donations

Each year, our board, staff, and experts review applications and carefully select Nonprofit Partners based on need and impact. These Nonprofit Partners are supported and engaged throughout the year.

We look forward to seeing your nominations and deeply appreciate our community!

Heartfelt Gratitude: Lion Project’s Commuter Donation Drive Success!

Heartfelt Gratitude: Lion Project’s Commuter Donation Drive Success!

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in the Lion Project’s Commuter Donation Drive. Your support made a tremendous impact on the lives of kids and teens in foster care. Thank you! Your generosity knew no bounds. From toys, clothes, and shoes to suitcases, hats, and backpacks, each item filled our car to the brim. Your donations spoke volumes about the compassion and care within our community.

We witnessed an inspiring sight as our community came together to bring joy and comfort to those in need. Your contributions not only provide essential items but also send a powerful message of support and belonging. Thanks to your kindness, children and teens in foster care will receive not just material support but also a renewed sense of hope. Your donations will make a lasting difference in their lives, reminding them they are valued.

On behalf of the Lion Project team, we cannot express enough gratitude for your overwhelming support during the Commuter Donation Drive. Together, we are building a brighter future, one act of kindness at a time. Thank you for being part of our compassionate community.

With heartfelt thanks,

The Lion Project Team