(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org

What an incredible Lion Project Happy Hour at Mile High Spirits last evening! The atmosphere was electric, the specialty charity cocktail “The Lion’s Meow” was a hit, and the joyous chatter filled the air. Here’s a recap of our memorable time together:

Mile High Spirits provided the perfect backdrop for our happy hour. People sipped on our signature cocktail “The Lion’s Meow” while setting set the stage for a night filled with great conversations, and connection which is one of our favorite things!

The Lion Project community expanded as we welcomed new friends into our Lion Project family. It was heartwarming to see familiar faces from the past, creating a sense of continuity and shared history. The room buzzed with the energy of like-minded individuals coming together for a common purpose, to connect, get involved, and do good.

We were thrilled to be amongst new members of our board during the happy hour and look forward to the fresh perspectives they bring to the Lion Project family.

The Lion Project team

A highlight of the evening was having Amanda from our partner organization FACE (Family and Community Engagement) share the impactful mission of FACE. We love that we get to do 2024 with this amazing department of Denver Public Schools. We took the opportunity to share exciting news about our upcoming events and initiatives. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable as we discussed future projects and ways in which we can continue making a positive impact in our community.

In conclusion, our Lion Project Happy Hour at Mile High Spirits was a success. It showcased the power of our community, the strength of our partnerships, and the commitment we all share towards making a difference. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this fun evening, and we look forward to more in the near future!

Roar on,
Brandi McMichael
Marketing, Communications & Event director