(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org
From Crisis to Community: Highland Moms’ Inspiring Efforts with The Lion Project and Colorado Prayer Luncheon

From Crisis to Community: Highland Moms’ Inspiring Efforts with The Lion Project and Colorado Prayer Luncheon

In a world where stories of hardship often dominate the headlines, tales of compassion and community can shine even brighter. The Lion Project, in collaboration with the Colorado Prayer Luncheon, proudly presents a video that encapsulates the essence of human kindness and resilience. This is the story of a remarkable group of Highland moms who have taken extraordinary steps to support hundreds of Venezuelan immigrants, demonstrating the profound impact that a united community can have in times of crisis.

The Lion Project has always been about showcasing the extraordinary efforts of ordinary people, and this collaboration with the Colorado Prayer Luncheon is no exception. The video captures the inspiring journey of these dedicated Highland moms who have come together to provide essential support to Venezuelan families in need. These women have taken on the mantle of caregivers, advocates, and friends to the immigrants, many of whom have fled their home country seeking safety and a better life. From finding housing to securing resources, the Highland moms have navigated countless challenges to ensure these families are not alone in their time of need.

Meeting Essential Needs with Love

One of the most striking aspects of this story is the sheer determination and love these moms bring to their mission. They have not only managed to find housing for the immigrants but also worked tirelessly to meet their essential needs. Their efforts go beyond mere charity; they are about building a supportive community where everyone can thrive.

The Power of Community

The Highland moms’ efforts are a testament to the power of community and the incredible things that can be achieved when people come together with a common purpose. Their work has created a ripple effect, inspiring others in the community to join the cause, whether through donations, volunteer work, or simply spreading the word. This collective effort amplifies the support available to the Venezuelan families, showing that no act of kindness is too small to make a difference.

We invite you to watch the video and witness firsthand the incredible impact these women are making. Their story is not just about helping immigrants; it’s about the broader message of empathy, unity, and the human spirit’s capacity for goodness. It’s a reminder that in times of crisis, the strength of a community can provide hope and healing.

The Energy Dilemma Q&A with Adam Stielstra and Bill Butler

The Energy Dilemma Q&A with Adam Stielstra and Bill Butler

The Lion Project recently threw a luncheon that opened our eyes to the world of energy! Attendees were treated to a screening of Lion Media’s docuseries, The Energy Dilemma, and a Q&A session with its producer and director, Adam Stielstra, and executive producer, Bill Butler.

The Energy Dilemma is a compelling series that tackles some of the most pressing issues facing the energy industry today. From the impact of climate change to the pros and cons of various renewable energy sources, the series covers it all. The screening of the series was an eye-opening experience, and attendees left with a deeper understanding of the complexities of the energy industry and the challenges it faces.

But that wasn’t all! After the screening, attendees had the opportunity to chat with Adam Stielstra and Bill Butler during a Q&A session. They shared insights into the making of the series, the challenges they faced, and what they hoped viewers would take away from the series. The session was lively and engaging, and attendees left feeling inspired and informed.

This event was a great reminder of the kind of work that Lion Media can create. Adam and Bill’s ability to take complex issues and present them in an accessible and engaging way is truly remarkable. The Energy Dilemma is just one example of the talent that is within Lion Media, our sister company.

Overall, The Lion Project’s luncheon event was an absolute blast! It proved that learning can be fun, and that events like this can bring people together to engage with important issues. We’re grateful to Adam Stielstra, and Bill Butler for sharing their expertise and creating such an engaging series that will continue to grow!

The Energy Dilemma

The Energy Dilemma

This 5-episode preview is a must-watch series for anyone interested in energy production, consumption, and transitions in the US and beyond. Follow us on this eye-opening journey and learn where energy comes from, how it’s produced and consumed, and where our future of energy is heading. 🔜⚡⁠

At The Lion Project, we’re committed to creating positive change for the greater good, and we believe The Energy Dilemma is a story that needs to be told. We can’t wait for you to join us on this important mission. 💪🌟⁠

Produced and directed by Adam Stielstra⁠
Created by Adam Stielstra and Bill Butler⁠
Executive producer: Bill Butler⁠