(720) 663-8222 info@thelionproject.org

At the recent Christian Businesses Professional Luncheon, Zak Ferry, founder and Executive Director of The Lion Project, spoke about the transformative power of storytelling for personal and business growth. Sharing his personal experiences, Zak emphasized how storytelling can shape our lives and influence others.

Zak’s Lion Story

Zak shared a poignant story from his high school days at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego. At 16, dealing with his mother’s attempted suicide, a teacher showed understanding and support, offering hope and a personal story of sobriety. This act of compassion, Zak notes, mirrored the forgiveness and hope Jesus extends in the story of the woman caught in adultery.

Zak Ferry

The Power of Storytelling

Zak explained that storytelling is powerful for two main reasons:

  1. Divine Creation: According to John 1:1-4, Jesus created us and used stories to convey profound truths.
  2. Scientific Insights: Neuroscience reveals that storytelling engages multiple brain regions, enhancing memory and emotional connection. Key brain regions and chemicals involved in storytelling include:
    • Hippocampus: Encodes long-term memory.
    • Amygdala: Processes emotions and enhances memory.
    • Prefrontal Cortex: Organizes narratives and maintains attention.
    • Visual Cortex: Creates vivid mental images.
    • Temporal Lobes: Comprehends language and auditory information.
    • Parietal Lobes: Integrates sensory information for detailed memory.
    • Default Mode Network: Reflects on narratives and relates them to personal experiences.
    • Chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, cortisol, and serotonin play roles in enhancing memory and emotional connection during storytelling.

Biblical Examples and Business Application

Zak highlighted biblical figures like David, Moses, Gideon, Joseph, Ruth, and Peter, who overcame limiting stories with God’s help. He encouraged business leaders to transform their own limiting stories, leveraging storytelling for personal and professional growth. Stories make businesses 22 times more memorable, fostering a strong brand identity and customer loyalty.

Embracing a New Story in Christ

Christians are new creations with a new story. Zak urged the audience to explore “In Christ” phrases in the New Testament, transforming their narratives to align with God’s bigger story. He offered a simple storytelling structure for businesses: Introduction, Problem, Journey, and Outcome, emphasizing that people care about seeing themselves in your story.

Zak concluded with a heartwarming end to his Lion story. Five years after high school, he presented his mother with a sobriety token, with his supportive teacher leading an AA group. This moment highlighted the interconnectedness of our stories and God’s purpose for them. Zak encouraged everyone to live a bigger story in Christ, becoming a Lion in someone else’s story.